Friday, March 28, 2008

The Ice-cream melted.

The title has got nothing to do with my post.

No,i want to write a story.
I really want to.
The story will be about Clickety-Clickety-Click.
Hmm,that's right a cursor.
Once upon a time there was clock,which ticked.And since tick sounds familiar to click.A fat bum-face,retarded boy named Bill,invented a cursor!THE PROUD OWNER OWNER OF THE CURSOR,he was.Every other dimwit envied him.The local witch named,Goddess Of Plagiarism-Queen J,hated him for his new invention.And since the villagers called Bill,The God of Invention,she'd blaspheme openly about him.Bill thought,Pope Benedict's benediction might help,so he cried "Eeeeek!Haaaalp!",oh yes he did.

You will die Bill,the Queen said.

No,you will,Bill replied.

You can't copy me,I'm the Goddess Of Plagiarism,not you,she said.

Okhay,he said.

But you can save yourself from dying under my spells,only give away your cursor to me,she said.

No,no,no!You can't have my cursor,I brought him up,like he's my little brother,Bill said.

Okhay then,Bhaad mein jaa,Queen said.

Bill returned home to feed cerelac to his cursor,he'd later surf through the blogs in internet,he thought.In the meantime,the witch created her own blog,and then wrote the link to the blog in a yellow coloured paperand posted the letter to Bill's mailbox.Bill saw the link,it was kind of ostentatious so he got attracted to it,and typed it in his address bar and hit enter with his cursor!AND AS SOON AS THE BLOG PAGE APPEARED,the cursor fell in love with the sparkled fairy in it.
And he refused to come back to Bill.
And he became the Queen's cursor.
Bill went to hell.
Queen never died.
Cursor is bored.
And by the way,he was named Clickety-Clickety-Click.
~Moral of the Story:Always write nice stories.~

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