Saturday, September 20, 2008

Winged Invaders.

I've got invaders in my room.
They came.
They saw.
They conquered!Argh!
I have got insects all over the room,on the wall,in my milk I drink milk,yea so?One tried getting inside my eye just now!A whole family of insect on the monitor,on my every friggin place but outside the room.And hell!They bite!!
Forget all non-violence!Down with all insects,and my EVE book says human population will explode the Earth.I'll bring out the intrigant girl within me and spray insecticides all over!This will be a genocidal attack.
I'll be attacked by the paparazzi and I'll hit the headlines of the insect world.They'll kiss my feet,those damned insects and pray for their life,I'll bring the Nazism in their world.

Now I must leave the room;they already started revolting against whatever I typed now.Those godammed insects will die a painful death.Know this,sinners,Diwali isn't too far!Haw haw haw!


Sammok said...

I like insects
I'm gonna get myself an anthill in a couple of months.
In my room


Shorbori said...

what are YOU going to do in the ant-hill?

Blueangel said...
