There is a popular boy, a bitchy popular girl and
(initially) ugly nerdy girl. But then the popular boy takes the nerdy girl to
the prom. Turns out she wasn’t ugly after all. Somehow.
Story starts with poverty, orphans, child marriage, queer
family ends with a vamp who lusts after the family’s wealth. Always.
Kids go to a house that has a big sign board saying “DO NOT
ENTER”. Black and bold. They miss the sign. Of course.
Chick goes to the forbidden room in her underwear. Gets
killed. In her underwear. Somehow. Hmm.
School children go to school and do everything but studying.
Lucky bastards
They might look dumb but no they will go to Colombia or
Yale. Somehow.
Sourav Ganguly gets kicked out of every team. But never
loses his Gods and hope. Wow. Yes?
They never want to get married and make babies but things
change. Always.
Deja vu much?